Saturday 28 August 2010


I crave him so bad. The taste of his lips on mine. The touch of skin on skin. The hard press of his cock against my back as he holds me, caressing my nipples to attention.

He comes to bed when I am already asleep and I awake before he wants to get up. My thoughts turn to the past when G didn't want to sleep with me any more. I have no evidence this is the case, but I miss our daily exhaustive passions.

Tumblr teases me with glistening shafts penetrating, girls with long, sticky lollies and tongues intertwining with genitalia. All my mind can do is crave then when that craving is not satisfied move to the past and ruminate on why.

I believe until I get this sorted out I cannot move onto looking for outside attention. I wouldn't want for him to feel as unwanted as I do. He is inundated with offers, from over the seas, from over the hill. Boys, girls, they all want him. They want to taste what I crave. I am afraid he will give it to them before me.

1 comment:

  1. (I'm the worst one for taking my own advice but...) have you spoken to him about these fears? maybe he also has fears?
